Critiques & Mentoring
Individual Critique and Online Mentoring
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Painting Classes & Workshops
St. Paul Oil Painting Studio Class Spring 2025 SOLD OUTWorkshops in Yorkshire, England, July 28-Aug 1, 2025
Madeline Island 5-Day Plein Air Workshop, Aug 18-22, 2025
Shows & Events
Souvenirs of Southern Italy 18 Small Paintings
Video Interview with Charlie Hunter, March 2021
California Art Club 109th Gold Medal Online Exhibition 2020
Biophilia NYC Online Exhibition - Thursday, May 21st at 6pm
Catalina Island Conservancy - Wildside Exhibition 2019 Collection
ARC Salon Traveling Exhibit MEAM Museu, Barcelona, Feb 8 - Mar 31, 2019
Recent Awards
2nd Place, Plein Air Magazine 10th Annual Competition
Art Renewal Center 14th International ARC Salon Competition:
1st Place, Plein Air Category & Plein Air Magazine Award
20th Annual Laguna Plein Air Invitational
2nd Place, Award of Excellence, LAPA
Fine Art Connoisseur Award of Excellence
Kathryn Lloyd's the Living Masters Podcast Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.
Eric Rhoads' PleinAir Podcast 74: Joe Paquet.
Museum Shows
Americas Industrial landscape, Tweed Museum, Duluth, MN Sept-Nov 2017
Fleeting Moments: Works en Plein Air, Pasadena, CA Nov 17 - Dec 15, 2017
Steamboat Art Museum, Steamboat Springs, CO
Aug-Oct 2016
Catalina Island Museum, Catalina, CA, June-Nov 2016
American Masters Show, Salmagundi Club, Sale and Gala Oct 2016
Western Art & Architecture Magazine Aug/Sept 2017
Article: A Record of Industry by Rose Fredrick
Other News
Richeson's Art Materials newJoe Paquet Signature Brushset
John Pototschnik Inerviews Joe Paquet
Cover Article, January 2015 issue of Plein Air Magazine
Rust & Roadsides, a collaboration with John Cosby & Joe Paquet
Reflections on Art
The Living Experience: Why Paint Plein Air?
Forward to the Salmagundi Club 'Why Outdoors?:The Plein Air Painters of America' exhibition catalogue. Written by Joseph Paquet
“Why not just take a photo?”
All of us have heard that question while painting outdoors. The fact is that even the finest photo will never be a just substitute for the Living Experience of painting on location.
The Living Experience is first about connection. Continue Reading...
Open Letter for All Artists
Almost every artist I speak to these days has a profound tale of woe to spin. The common complaint: bad economy = lack of sales = "Whaa happened?" For those of us who make our living and put food on our family table, it doesn't really matter what happened so much as what we can do to adjust. In our moments of panic, rash and destructive choices are made to turn a buck... we diminish ourselves and often do untold damage to careers which have taken a long time to build.
For so very long galleries were the way: the omniscient ones, and for a very long time most of them did a fine job with it. Continue Reading...
Joseph Paquet Biography
Joseph Paquet, while pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the School of Visual Arts in New York, had the good fortune of finding mentors in artists James McMullan and John Foote who opened his eyes to the joys of drawing the human figure. After graduating, Paquet met another major influence in his life, John Osborne, who was uniquely gifted artist and teacher. Osborne believed that a landscape painting should begin on location, but that its poetic essence should be completed in the solitude of the artist's studio. Paquet experienced a demanding and rewarding apprenticeship, in which he learned to fuse field studies with the image he could see in his mind's eye. Increasingly however, Paquet is creating most of his work from life, believing that the direct correspondence with nature increases the potential for greater feeling. "Intellect, he says, doesn't keep one warm at night."
He has been featured in the Washington Post Sunday Magazine, The Artist's Magazine, American Artist, Southwest Art and Plein Air Magazine. Paquet's awards include both Artist's Choice and Collector's Choice from The 2007 Laguna Beach Plein Air Invitational as well as the 2008 Alden Bryan Memorial Prize from The Salmagundi Club of New York, the First Place in Landscape from the Richeson 75: Artist's Choice Competition and The Edgar Payne Award for best Landscape at the 97th Annual Gold Medal Show at the California Art Club.
Paquet is a Emeritus Member of The Plein Air Painters of America, The Salmugundi Club and an Signature Member of The California Art Club.